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object --+ | cscRoot --+ | ContentState_mixin --+ | object --+ | | | cscRoot --+ | | | ContentModel_mixin --+ | Wildcard
Placeholder for wildcard objects.
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
NC_any =
NC_not =
NC_targetNamespace =
NC_local =
__namespaceConstraint = None hash(x) |
PC_skip =
No namespace constraint is applied to the wildcard. |
PC_lax =
Validate against available uniquely determined declaration. |
PC_strict =
Validate against declaration or xsi:type, which must be available. |
__processContents = None One of PC_skip, PC_lax, PC_strict. |
Inherited from |
A constraint on the namespace for the wildcard. Valid values are:
Namespaces are represented by their URIs. Absence is represented by
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
Return True iff the value is a valid match against this wildcard. Validation per Wildcard allows Namespace Name. |
Return a ContentState_mixin instance that will validate the state of this model component.
Determine whether the provided value can be added to the instance without violating state validation. This method must not throw any non-catastrophic exceptions; general
failures should be transformed to a
Determine whether an output sequence created from the symbols can be made consistent with the model. The symbol set represents letters in an alphabet; the output sequence
orders those letters in a way that satisfies the regular expression
expressed in the model. Both are changed as a result of a successful
validation; both remain unchanged if the validation failed. In
recursing, implementers may assume that
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Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Fri Jun 15 14:42:42 2012 | http://epydoc.sourceforge.net |