Package pyxb :: Package namespace :: Class _NamespaceCategory_mixin
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Class _NamespaceCategory_mixin

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object --+    
   cscRoot --+
Known Subclasses:

Mix-in that aggregates those aspects of XMLNamespaces that hold references to categories of named objects.

Arbitrary groups of named objects, each requiring unique names within themselves, can be saved. Unless configured otherwise, the Namespace instance is extended with accessors that provide direct access to individual category maps. The name of the method is the category name with a suffix of "s"; e.g., if a category "typeDefinition" exists, it can be accessed from the namespace using the syntax ns.typeDefinitions().

Note that the returned value from the accessor is a live reference to the category map; changes made to the map are reflected in the namespace.

Instance Methods [hide private]
CSC extension to reset fields of a Namespace.
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The list of individual categories held in this namespace.
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Return the whole map from categories to named objects.
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categoryMap(self, category)
Map from local names to NamedObjectMap instances for the given category.
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Define public methods on the Namespace which provide access to individual NamedObjectMaps based on their category.
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configureCategories(self, categories)
Ensure there is a map for each of the given categories.
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addCategoryObject(self, category, local_name, named_object)
Allow access to the named_object by looking up the local_name in the given category.
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replaceCategoryObject(self, category, local_name, old_object, new_object)
Replace the referenced object in the category.
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_replaceComponent_csc(self, existing_def, replacement_def)
Replace a component definition where present in the category maps.
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__checkCategoriesEmpty(self) source code
_namedObjects(self) source code
_loadNamedObjects(self, category_map)
Add the named objects from the given map into the set held by this namespace.
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Return True iff schema components have been associated with this namespace.
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_associateOrigins(self, module_record)
Add links from pyxb.namespace.archive._ObjectOrigin instances.
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_NamespaceCategory_mixin__checkCategoriesEmpty(self) source code
Define public methods on the Namespace which provide access to individual NamedObjectMaps based on their category.
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Inherited from cscRoot: __init__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  __categoryMap = None
  _NamespaceCategory_mixin__categoryMap = None
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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CSC extension to reset fields of a Namespace.

This one handles category-related data.

configureCategories(self, categories)

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Ensure there is a map for each of the given categories.

Category configuration activates a namespace.

Existing maps are not affected.

addCategoryObject(self, category, local_name, named_object)

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Allow access to the named_object by looking up the local_name in the given category.

Raises pyxb.NamespaceUniquenessError if an object with the same name already exists in the category.

replaceCategoryObject(self, category, local_name, old_object, new_object)

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Replace the referenced object in the category.

The new object will be added only if the old_object matches the current entry for local_name in the category.

_replaceComponent_csc(self, existing_def, replacement_def)

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Replace a component definition where present in the category maps.

Note: This is a high-cost operation, as every item in every category map must be examined to see whether its value field matches existing_def.

_loadNamedObjects(self, category_map)

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Add the named objects from the given map into the set held by this namespace. It is an error to name something which is already present.


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Return True iff schema components have been associated with this namespace.

This only checks whether the corresponding categories have been added, not whether there are any entries in those categories. It is useful for identifying namespaces that were incorporated through a declaration but never actually referenced.

_associateOrigins(self, module_record)

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Add links from pyxb.namespace.archive._ObjectOrigin instances.

For any resolvable item in this namespace from an origin managed by the module_record, ensure that item can be found via a lookup through that origin.

This allows these items to be found when a single namespace comprises items translated from different schema at different times using archives to maintain consistency.