Package pyxb :: Package xmlschema :: Module structures :: Class ModelGroup
[hide private]
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Class ModelGroup

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                       object --+                
                          cscRoot --+            
 utils.utility.PrivateTransient_mixin --+        
                           object --+   |        
                                    |   |        
                              cscRoot --+        
     namespace._ComponentDependency_mixin --+    
                           object --+       |    
                                    |       |    
                              cscRoot --+   |    
                                        |   |    
namespace.archive._ArchivableObject_mixin --+    
                           object --+       |    
                                    |       |    
                              cscRoot --+   |    
                                        |   |    
     utils.utility.PrivateTransient_mixin --+    
                           object --+       |    
                                    |       |    
                              cscRoot --+   |    
                                        |   |    
            utils.utility.Locatable_mixin --+    
                       _SchemaComponent_mixin --+
                               object --+       |
                                        |       |
                                  cscRoot --+   |
                                            |   |
                             _Annotated_mixin --+

An XMLSchema Model Group component.

Instance Methods [hide private]
compositor(self) source code
Return a string representing the compositor value.
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particles(self) source code
isAdaptable(self, ctd)
A model group has an unresolvable particle if any of its particles is unresolvable.
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effectiveTotalRange(self, particle)
Return the minimum and maximum of the number of elements that can appear in a sequence matched by this particle.
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The ModelGroupDefinition that names this group, or None if it is unnamed.
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__init__(self, compositor, particles, *args, **kw)
Create a new model group.
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Get the plurality data for this model group.
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Return True if the model includes a wildcard amongst its particles.
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_bindingRequires_vx(self, include_lax)
Placeholder for subclass method that identifies the necessary components.
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Return a list of all ElementDeclarations that are at the top level of this model group, in the order in which they can occur.
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_adaptForScope(self, owner, ctd) source code
source code

Inherited from _SchemaComponent_mixin: bestNCName, hasBinding, isTypeDefinition, isUrTypeDefinition, nameInBinding, owner, setNameInBinding

Inherited from namespace._ComponentDependency_mixin: bindingRequires

Inherited from utils.utility.PrivateTransient_mixin: __getstate__

Inherited from _Annotated_mixin: annotation

Inherited from _Annotated_mixin (private): _annotationFromDOM

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
CompositorToString(cls, compositor)
Map a compositor value to a string.
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CreateFromDOM(cls, node, **kw)
Create a model group from the given DOM node.
source code
IsGroupMemberNode(cls, node) source code
Class Variables [hide private]
  C_ALL = 1
  C_CHOICE = 2
  __compositor = 0
  __particles = None
  __modelGroupDefinition = None
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

isAdaptable(self, ctd)

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A model group has an unresolvable particle if any of its particles is unresolvable. Duh.

effectiveTotalRange(self, particle)

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Return the minimum and maximum of the number of elements that can appear in a sequence matched by this particle.


__init__(self, compositor, particles, *args, **kw)

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Create a new model group.

compositor must be a legal compositor value (one of C_ALL, C_CHOICE, C_SEQUENCE).

particles must be a list of zero or more Particle instances.

scope is the _ScopeDeclaration_mixin context into which new declarations are recorded. It can be SCOPE_global, a complex type definition, or None if this is (or is within) a named model group.

model_group_definition is an instance of ModelGroupDefinition if this is a named model group. It defaults to None indicating a local group.

  • scope - The scope in which the component is defined
  • namespace_context - The NamespaceContext to use within this component
  • node - If no namespace_context is provided, a DOM node must be provided from which a namespace context can be identified.
  • owner - Reference to the component that owns this one (the immediately enclosing component). Is None in the case of top-level components.
  • schema - Reference to the Schema component to which the component belongs. Required for every component except Schema, Annotation, and Wildcard.
Overrides: object.__init__

_bindingRequires_vx(self, include_lax)

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Placeholder for subclass method that identifies the necessary components.

Returns: frozenset
The component instances on which this component depends
  • LogicError - A subclass failed to implement this method
Overrides: namespace._ComponentDependency_mixin._bindingRequires_vx
(inherited documentation)

CreateFromDOM(cls, node, **kw)
Class Method

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Create a model group from the given DOM node.

wxs is a Schema instance within which the model group is being defined.

node is a DOM element. The name must be one of ( 'all', 'choice', 'sequence' ), and the node must be in the XMLSchema namespace.

scope is the _ScopeDeclaration_mxin context that is assigned to declarations that appear within the model group. It can be None, indicating no scope defined, or a complex type definition.

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)