Package pyxb :: Package binding :: Module basis :: Class complexTypeDefinition
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Class complexTypeDefinition

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                    object --+            
                       cscRoot --+        
     utils.utility.Locatable_mixin --+    
                    _TypeBinding_mixin --+
                            object --+   |
                                     |   |
utils.utility._DeconflictSymbols_mixin --+
                        object --+       |
                                 |       |
                           cscRoot --+   |
                                     |   |
                  _DynamicCreate_mixin --+
Known Subclasses:

Base for any Python class that serves as the binding for an XMLSchema complexType.

Subclasses should define a class-level _AttributeMap variable which maps from the unicode tag of an attribute to the AttributeUse instance that defines it. Similarly, subclasses should define an _ElementMap variable.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Obtain access to wildcard attributes.
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Obtain access to wildcard elements.
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__init__(self, *args, **kw)
Create a new instance of this binding.
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Generate a list of children in the order in which they should be added to the parent when creating a DOM representation of this object.
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Provide the child elements and non-element content in an order consistent with the content model.
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Return a map from content.ElementDeclaration instances to a list of values associated with that use.
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_validateAttributes(self) source code
Override in subclasses for type-specific validation of instance content.
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_setAttribute(self, attr_en, value) source code
xsdConstraintsOK(self, location=None)
Validate the content against the simple type.
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Return the content of the element.
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Return the value of the element.
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_resetContent(self) source code
_resetAutomaton(self) source code
For whitebox testing use only
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Reset the instance.
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append(self, value, **kw)
Add the value to the instance.
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_appendWildcardElement(self, value) source code
extend(self, value_list, _fallback_namespace=None, _from_xml=False, _location=None)
Invoke append for each value in the list, in turn.
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__setContent(self, value) source code
_addContent(self, child, element_binding) source code
Inform content model that all additions have been provided.
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_postDOMValidate(self) source code
_setDOMFromAttributes(self, dom_support, element)
Add any appropriate attributes from this instance into the DOM element.
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_toDOM_csc(self, dom_support, parent)
Create a DOM element with the given tag holding the content of this instance.
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Inherited from _TypeBinding_mixin: __setattr__, toDOM, toxml, validateBinding

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
_AddElement(cls, element)
Method used by generated code to associate the element binding with a use in this type.
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_UseForTag(cls, tag, raise_if_fail=True)
Return the ElementDeclaration object corresponding to the element name.
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_ElementBindingDeclForName(cls, element_name)
Determine what the given name means as an element in this type.
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_IsMixed(cls) source code
CTDs with simple content are simple; other CTDs are not.
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_description(cls, name_only=False, user_documentation=True) source code

Inherited from _TypeBinding_mixin: Factory

Class Variables [hide private]
  _ContentTypeTag = None
  _TypeDefinition = None
Subclass of simpleTypeDefinition that corresponds to the type content.
  _HasWildcardElement = False
  _ElementMap = {}
Map from expanded names to ElementDeclaration instances.
  __wildcardAttributeMap = None
  __wildcardElements = None
  _ReservedSymbols = set(['Factory', 'append', 'content', 'exten...
There are no reserved symbols in the base class.
  _Automaton = None
  __content = None
  __automatonConfiguration = None
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Obtain access to wildcard attributes.

The return value is None if this type does not support wildcard attributes. If wildcard attributes are allowed, the return value is a map from QNames to the unicode string value of the corresponding attribute.

To Do: The map keys should be namespace extended names rather than QNames, as the in-scope namespace may not be readily available to the user.


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Obtain access to wildcard elements.

The return value is None if the content model for this type does not support wildcard elements. If wildcard elements are allowed, the return value is a list of values corresponding to conformant unrecognized elements, in the order in which they were encountered. If the containing binding was created from an XML document and enough information was present to determine the binding of the member element, the value is a binding instance. Otherwise, the value is the original DOM Element node.

__init__(self, *args, **kw)

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Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose id (not name) matches the keyword.

  • _dom_node (xml.dom.Element) - The node to use as the source of binding content.
  • _location - An optional instance of pyxb.utils.utility.Location showing the origin the binding. If None, a value from _dom_node is used if available.
  • _from_xml - See _TypeBinding_mixin.Factory
  • _finalize_content_model - If True the constructor invokes _TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel prior to return. The value defaults to False when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a _dom_node nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to True in all other cases.
Overrides: object.__init__

_AddElement(cls, element)
Class Method

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Method used by generated code to associate the element binding with a use in this type.

This is necessary because all complex type classes appear in the module prior to any of the element instances (which reference type classes), so the association must be formed after the element instances are available.

_UseForTag(cls, tag, raise_if_fail=True)
Class Method

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Return the ElementDeclaration object corresponding to the element name.



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Generate a list of children in the order in which they should be added to the parent when creating a DOM representation of this object.

Note: This is only used when pyxb.RequireValidWhenGenerating has disabled validation. Consequently, it may not generate valid XML.


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Provide the child elements and non-element content in an order consistent with the content model.

Returns a sequence of tuples representing a valid path through the content model where each transition corresponds to one of the member element instances within this instance. The tuple is a pair comprising the content.ElementDeclaration instance and the value for the transition.

If the content of the instance does not validate against the content model, None is returned.

None or a list as described above.


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Return a map from content.ElementDeclaration instances to a list of values associated with that use.

This is used as the set of symbols available for transitions when validating content against a model. Note that the original content.ElementUse that may have validated the assignment of the symbol to the content is no longer available, which may result in a different order being generated by the content model. Preservation of the original order mitigates this risk.

The value None is used to provide the wildcard members, if any.

If an element use has no associated values, it must not appear in the returned map.



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Override in subclasses for type-specific validation of instance content.

True if the instance validates
  • pyxb.BatchContentValidationError - complex content does not match model
  • pyxb.SimpleTypeValueError - simple content fails to satisfy constraints
Overrides: _TypeBinding_mixin._validateBinding_vx
(inherited documentation)

xsdConstraintsOK(self, location=None)

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Validate the content against the simple type.

True if the content validates against its type.


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Return the content of the element.

This must be a complex type with complex content. The return value is a list of the element and non-element content in the order in which it was added.



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Return the value of the element.

This must be a complex type with simple content. The returned value is expected to be an instance of some simpleTypeDefinition class.



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Overrides: _TypeBinding_mixin._resetContent


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Reset the instance.

This resets all element and attribute fields, and discards any recorded content. It resets the content model automaton to its initial state.

_ElementBindingDeclForName(cls, element_name)
Class Method

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Determine what the given name means as an element in this type.

Normally, element_name identifies an element definition within this type. If so, the returned element_decl identifies that definition, and the element_binding is extracted from that use.

It may also be that the element_name does not appear as an element definition, but that it identifies a global element. In that case, the returned element_binding identifies the global element. If, further, that element is a member of a substitution group which does have an element definition in this class, then the returned element_decl identifies that definition.

If a non-None element_decl is returned, there will be an associated element_binding. However, it is possible to return a non-None element_binding, but None as the element_decl. In that case, the element_binding can be used to create a binding instance, but the content model will have to treat it as a wildcard.

  • element_name - The name of the element in this type, either an expanded name or a local name if the element has an absent namespace.
( element_binding, element_decl )

append(self, value, **kw)

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Add the value to the instance.

The value should be a DOM node or other value that is or can be converted to a binding instance. If the instance has a DFA state, the value must be permitted by the content model.



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Inform content model that all additions have been provided.

This is used to resolve any pending non-determinism when the content of an element is provided through a DOM assignment or through positional arguments in a constructor.

Overrides: _TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel
(inherited documentation)


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Overrides: _TypeBinding_mixin._postDOMValidate

_toDOM_csc(self, dom_support, parent)

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Create a DOM element with the given tag holding the content of this instance.

Overrides: _TypeBinding_mixin._toDOM_csc

Class Method

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CTDs with simple content are simple; other CTDs are not.

Overrides: _TypeBinding_mixin._IsSimpleTypeContent

Class Variable Details [hide private]


Subclass of simpleTypeDefinition that corresponds to the type content. Only valid if _ContentTypeTag is _CT_SIMPLE



There are no reserved symbols in the base class.
