Package pyxb :: Package utils :: Module fac :: Class MultiTermNode
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Class MultiTermNode

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object --+    
      Node --+
Known Subclasses:

Intermediary for nodes that have multiple child nodes.

Instance Methods [hide private]
The set of subordinate terms of the current node.
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__init__(self, *terms, **kw)
Term that collects an ordered sequence of terms.
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Create a deep copy of the node.
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_walkTermTree(self, position, pre, post, arg)
Abstract method implementing walkTermTree for the subclass.
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Inherited from Node: buildAutomaton, counterSubPositions, reset, walkTermTree

Inherited from Node (private): _facToString, _first, _follow, _last, _nullable

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
Class Variables [hide private]
  __terms = None

Inherited from Node: INCREMENT, RESET

Inherited from Node (private): _Precedence

Properties [hide private]
The set of subordinate terms of the current node.

Inherited from Node: counterPositions, first, follow, last, metadata, nodePosMap, nullable, posNodeMap

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, *terms, **kw)

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Term that collects an ordered sequence of terms.

The terms are provided as arguments. All must be instances of a subclass of Node.

  • metadata - Any application-specific metadata retained in the term tree for transfer to the resulting automaton.
Overrides: object.__init__


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Create a deep copy of the node.

All term-tree--related attributes and properties are replaced with deep clones. Other attributes are preserved.

  • args - A tuple of arguments to be passed to the instance constructor.
  • kw - A dict of keywords to be passed to the instance constructor.
Overrides: Node.clone
(inherited documentation)

_walkTermTree(self, position, pre, post, arg)

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Abstract method implementing walkTermTree for the subclass.

Overrides: Node._walkTermTree
(inherited documentation)

Property Details [hide private]


The set of subordinate terms of the current node.

Get Method:
__get_terms(self) - The set of subordinate terms of the current node.