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object --+ | cscRoot --+ | utils.utility.Locatable_mixin --+ | basis._TypeBinding_mixin --+ | object --+ | | | utils.utility._DeconflictSymbols_mixin --+ | object --+ | | | cscRoot --+ | | | basis._DynamicCreate_mixin --+ | basis.simpleTypeDefinition --+ | _PyXBDateTime_base
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
Inherited from |
_Lexical_fmt = None Format for the lexical representation of a date-related instance, excluding timezone. |
__PatternMap = {'%Y': '(?P<negYear>-?)(?P<year>\d{4,})', '%m':
__LexicalREMap = {}
__LexicalIntegerFields = 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minu
_UTCTimeZone = pyxb.utils.utility.UTCOffsetTimeZone(0) A datetime.tzinfo instance representing
_LocalTimeZone = pyxb.utils.utility.LocalTimeZone() A datetime.tzinfo instance representing the
local time zone.
_DefaultYear = 1900
_DefaultMonth = 1
_DefaultDay = 1
_PyXBDateTime_base__LexicalIntegerFields =
_PyXBDateTime_base__LexicalREMap =
_PyXBDateTime_base__PatternMap =
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
Inherited from Inherited from |
helper for pickle
Update datetime keywords to account for timezone effects. All XML schema timezoned times are in UTC, with the time "in its
timezone". If the keywords indicate a non-UTC timezone is in force,
and pyxb.PreserveInputTimeZone() has not been set, adjust
the values to account for the zone by subtracting the corresponding UTC
offset and mark explicitly that the time is in UTC by leaving a
Convert from a python value to a string usable in an XML document. This should be implemented in the subclass.
_Lexical_fmtFormat for the lexical representation of a date-related instance, excluding timezone. Subclasses must define this.
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Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Mon Dec 17 13:09:07 2012 | http://epydoc.sourceforge.net |