Package pyxb :: Package utils :: Module fac :: Class NumericalConstraint
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Class NumericalConstraint

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object --+    
      Node --+

A term with a numeric range constraint.

This corresponds to a "particle" in the XML Schema content model.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__get_min(self) source code
__get_max(self) source code
__get_term(self) source code
__init__(self, term, min=0, max=1, **kw)
Term with a numerical constraint.
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Create a deep copy of the node.
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Abstract method that defines first for the subclass.
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Abstract method that defines last for the subclass.
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Abstract method that defines nullable for the subclass.
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Abstract method that defines follow for the subclass.
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_walkTermTree(self, position, pre, post, arg)
Abstract method implementing walkTermTree for the subclass.
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Inherited from Node: buildAutomaton, counterSubPositions, reset, walkTermTree

Inherited from Node (private): _facToString

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
Class Variables [hide private]
  _Precedence = -1
An integral value used for parenthesizing expressions.
  __min = None
  __max = None
  __term = None

Inherited from Node: INCREMENT, RESET

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from Node: counterPositions, first, follow, last, metadata, nodePosMap, nullable, posNodeMap

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, term, min=0, max=1, **kw)

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Term with a numerical constraint.

  • term (Node) - A term, the number of appearances of which is constrained in this term.
  • min - The minimum number of occurrences of term. The value must be non-negative.
  • max - The maximum number of occurrences of term. The value must be positive (in which case it must also be no smaller than min), or None to indicate an unbounded number of occurrences.
Overrides: object.__init__


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Create a deep copy of the node.

All term-tree--related attributes and properties are replaced with deep clones. Other attributes are preserved.

  • args - A tuple of arguments to be passed to the instance constructor.
  • kw - A dict of keywords to be passed to the instance constructor.
Overrides: Node.clone
(inherited documentation)


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Abstract method that defines first for the subclass.

The return value should be an iterable of tuples of integers denoting paths from this node through the term tree to a symbol.

Overrides: Node._first
(inherited documentation)


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Abstract method that defines last for the subclass.

The return value should be an iterable of tuples of integers denoting paths from this node through the term tree to a symbol.

Overrides: Node._last
(inherited documentation)


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Abstract method that defines nullable for the subclass.

The return value should be True or False.

Overrides: Node._nullable
(inherited documentation)


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Abstract method that defines follow for the subclass.

The return value should be a map from tuples of integers (positions) to a list of transitions, where a transition is a position and an update instruction.

Overrides: Node._follow
(inherited documentation)

_walkTermTree(self, position, pre, post, arg)

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Abstract method implementing walkTermTree for the subclass.

Overrides: Node._walkTermTree
(inherited documentation)

(Informal representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

Property Details [hide private]


Get Method:


Get Method:


Get Method: