Package pyxb :: Package xmlschema :: Module structures :: Class Schema
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Class Schema

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                       object --+                
                          cscRoot --+            
 utils.utility.PrivateTransient_mixin --+        
                           object --+   |        
                                    |   |        
                              cscRoot --+        
     namespace._ComponentDependency_mixin --+    
                           object --+       |    
                                    |       |    
                              cscRoot --+   |    
                                        |   |    
namespace.archive._ArchivableObject_mixin --+    
                           object --+       |    
                                    |       |    
                              cscRoot --+   |    
                                        |   |    
     utils.utility.PrivateTransient_mixin --+    
                           object --+       |    
                                    |       |    
                              cscRoot --+   |    
                                        |   |    
            utils.utility.Locatable_mixin --+    
                       _SchemaComponent_mixin --+

An XMLSchema Schema.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__getstate__(self) source code
URI or path to where the schema can be found.
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locationTag(self) source code
signature(self) source code
generationUID(self) source code
originRecord(self) source code
The targetNamespace of a componen.
source code
Default namespace of the schema.
source code
referencedNamespaces(self) source code
importEIIs(self) source code
importedSchema(self) source code
includedSchema(self) source code
_setAttributeFromDOM(self, attr)
Override the schema attribute with the given DOM value.
source code
_setAttributesFromMap(self, attr_map)
Override the schema attributes with values from the given map.
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schemaHasAttribute(self, attr_name)
Return True iff the schema has an attribute with the given (nc)name.
source code
schemaAttribute(self, attr_name)
Return the schema attribute value associated with the given (nc)name.
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_uriContentArchiveDirectory(self) source code
__init__(self, *args, **kw)
Initialize portions of a component.
source code
__ebvForNode(self, attr, dom_node, candidate_map) source code
blockForNode(self, dom_node, candidate_map)
Return a bit mask indicating a set of options read from the node's "block" attribute or the schema's "blockDefault" attribute.
source code
finalForNode(self, dom_node, candidate_map)
Return a bit mask indicating a set of options read from the node's "final" attribute or the schema's "finalDefault" attribute.
source code
targetNamespaceForNode(self, dom_node, declaration_type)
Determine the target namespace for a local attribute or element declaration.
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__requireInProlog(self, node_name)
Throw a SchemaValidationException referencing the given node if we have passed the sequence point representing the end of prolog elements.
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__processInclude(self, node) source code
__processImport(self, node)
Process an import directive.
source code
__processRedefine(self, node) source code
__processAnnotation(self, node) source code
__processTopLevelNode(self, node)
Process a DOM node from the top level of the schema.
source code
_addAnnotation(self, annotation) source code
_addNamedComponent(self, nc) source code
__addTypeDefinition(self, td) source code
__addAttributeDeclaration(self, ad) source code
__addAttributeGroupDefinition(self, agd) source code
source code

Inherited from _SchemaComponent_mixin: bestNCName, facStateSortKey, hasBinding, isTypeDefinition, isUrTypeDefinition, nameInBinding, owner, schemaOrderSortKey, setNameInBinding

Inherited from namespace._ComponentDependency_mixin: bindingRequires

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
CreateFromDocument(cls, xmls, **kw) source code
CreateFromLocation(cls, **kw)
Create a schema from a schema location.
source code
CreateFromStream(cls, stream, **kw) source code
CreateFromDOM(cls, node, namespace_context=None, schema_location=None, schema_signature=None, generation_uid=None, **kw)
Take the root element of the document, and scan its attributes under the assumption it is an XMLSchema schema element.
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Class Variables [hide private]
  __annotations = None
  __pastProlog = False
  __location = None
  __locationTag = None
  __signature = None
  __generationUID = None
  __originRecord = None
  __targetNamespace = None
  __defaultNamespace = None
  __referencedNamespaces = None
  __namespaceData = None
  __importEIIs = None
  __importedSchema = None
  __includedSchema = None
  _QUALIFIED = 'qualified'
  _UNQUALIFIED = 'unqualified'
  __attributeMap = {pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, 'attribute...
  __SchemaCategories = ('typeDefinition', 'attributeGroupDefinit...
  __uriContentArchiveDirectory = None
  __TopLevelComponentMap = {'attribute': <class 'pyxb.xmlschema....
  _SA_All = '#all'
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Overrides: utils.utility.PrivateTransient_mixin.__getstate__


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URI or path to where the schema can be found.

For schema created by a user, the location should be provided to the constructor using the schema_location keyword. In the case of imported or included schema, the including schema's location is used as the base URI for determining the absolute URI of the included schema from its (possibly relative) location value. For files, the scheme and authority portions are generally absent, as is often the abs_path part.


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The targetNamespace of a componen.

This is None, or a reference to a Namespace in which the component is declared (either as a global or local to one of the namespace's complex type definitions). This is immutable after creation.


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Default namespace of the schema.

Will be None unless the schema has an 'xmlns' attribute. The value must currently be provided as a keyword parameter to the constructor.

schemaAttribute(self, attr_name)

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Return the schema attribute value associated with the given (nc)name.

  • attr_name - local name for the attribute in the schema element.
the value of the corresponding attribute, or None if it has not been defined and has no default.
  • KeyError - attr_name is not a valid attribute for a schema element.

__init__(self, *args, **kw)

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Initialize portions of a component.

  • scope - The scope in which the component is defined
  • namespace_context - The NamespaceContext to use within this component
  • node - If no namespace_context is provided, a DOM node must be provided from which a namespace context can be identified.
  • owner - Reference to the component that owns this one (the immediately enclosing component). Is None in the case of top-level components.
  • schema - Reference to the Schema component to which the component belongs. Required for every component except Schema, Annotation, and Wildcard.
Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

CreateFromLocation(cls, **kw)
Class Method

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Create a schema from a schema location.

Reads an XML document from the schema location and creates a schema using it. All keyword parameters are passed to CreateFromDOM.

  • schema_location - A file path or a URI. If this is a relative URI and parent_uri is present, the actual location will be normallzed.
  • parent_uri - The context within which schema_location will be normalized, if necessary.
  • absolute_schema_location - A file path or URI. This value is not normalized, and supersedes schema_location.

CreateFromDOM(cls, node, namespace_context=None, schema_location=None, schema_signature=None, generation_uid=None, **kw)
Class Method

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Take the root element of the document, and scan its attributes under the assumption it is an XMLSchema schema element. That means recognize namespace declarations and process them. Also look for and set the default namespace. All other attributes are passed up to the parent class for storage.

blockForNode(self, dom_node, candidate_map)

source code 

Return a bit mask indicating a set of options read from the node's "block" attribute or the schema's "blockDefault" attribute.

A value of '#all' means enable every options; otherwise, the attribute value should be a list of tokens, for which the corresponding value will be added to the return value.

  • dom_node (xml.dom.Node) - the node from which the "block" attribute will be retrieved
  • candidate_map - map from strings to bitmask values

finalForNode(self, dom_node, candidate_map)

source code 

Return a bit mask indicating a set of options read from the node's "final" attribute or the schema's "finalDefault" attribute.

A value of '#all' means enable every options; otherwise, the attribute value should be a list of tokens, for which the corresponding value will be added to the return value.

  • dom_node (xml.dom.Node) - the node from which the "final" attribute will be retrieved
  • candidate_map - map from strings to bitmask values

targetNamespaceForNode(self, dom_node, declaration_type)

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Determine the target namespace for a local attribute or element declaration.

Look at the node's form attribute, or if none the schema's attributeFormDefault or elementFormDefault value. If the resulting value is "qualified" and the parent schema has a non-absent target namespace, return it to use as the declaration target namespace. Otherwise, return None to indicate that the declaration has no namespace.

pyxb.namespace.Namespace or None

__processImport(self, node)

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Process an import directive.

This attempts to locate schema (named entity) information for a namespace that is referenced by this schema.

__processTopLevelNode(self, node)

source code 

Process a DOM node from the top level of the schema.

This should return a non-None value if the node was successfully recognized.

(Informal representation operator)

source code 


Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

Class Variable Details [hide private]


{pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, 'attributeFormDefault'): _UNQUALIFI\
ED, pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, 'elementFormDefault'): _UNQUALIF\
IED, pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, 'blockDefault'): '', pyxb.names\
pace.ExpandedName(None, 'finalDefault'): '', pyxb.namespace.ExpandedNa\
me(None, 'id'): None, pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, 'targetNamespa\
ce'): None, pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName(None, 'version'): None, pyxb.n\
amespace.XML.createExpandedName('lang'): None}




{'attribute': <class 'pyxb.xmlschema.structures.AttributeDeclaration'>\
 'attributeGroup': <class 'pyxb.xmlschema.structures.AttributeGroupDef\
 'complexType': <class 'pyxb.xmlschema.structures.ComplexTypeDefinitio\
 'element': <class 'pyxb.xmlschema.structures.ElementDeclaration'>,
 'group': <class 'pyxb.xmlschema.structures.ModelGroupDefinition'>,